The Power of Sculptra Aesthetic
Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen — the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cell and tissue — for results that can last more than two years.
Why Sculptra Aesthetic?
Sculptra Aesthetic addresses an underlying cause of facial aging, not just the symptoms. Collagen loss is one of the inevitable signs of aging that leads to skin laxity, facial folds, wrinkles, and crepey skin.
As a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, Sculptra Aesthetic helps restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin to diminish facial wrinkles. Sculptra Aesthetic works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore your skin’s inner structure and volume.
As the Sculptra Aesthetic PLLA microparticles are absorbed, they help stimulate collagen production. Rebuilt collagen strands begin gradually helping to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds. .
How does Sculptra Aesthetic work?
Sculptra Aesthetic is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body. This material and helps Collagen loss is one of the inevitable signs of aging that leads to skin laxity, facial folds, wrinkles, and crepey skin. SANTÉ Aesthetics and Wellness in Portland, OR, is proud to offer a unique, revolutionary collagen stimulator called Sculptra. This injectable uses an active ingredient to increase collagen production in the dermal layers of the skin to deliver natural, anti-aging results.
Sculptra is a collagen-stimulating dermal filler, also known as a stimulator, that forces the body to create new collagen at the injection site. This anti-aging treatment uses an active ingredient called poly-L-lactic acid to enact a bodily response that leads to new collagen growth.
What Does It Treat?
This anti-aging injectable can treat collagen loss on the face and the body. Most people notice how aging affects their faces simply because they look at the mirror every day, but a closer inspection of the body may reveal that you have loose skin in some areas due to skin laxity and collagen loss. We can address these areas with Sculptra injections to help you improve your appearance and achieve younger-looking skin.
Sculptra can treat volume loss in the middle and lower half of the face to smooth facial folds, address jowls, and treat hollow areas. If you’ve noticed that your facial structure has changed due to volume loss and reduced collagen production, we can create a treatment plan with this collagen-stimulating filler to restore natural health and youth your skin.
Loose, crepey skin affects different body areas, but we can use this injectable to smooth and add volume to areas that have begun to suffer from the signs of aging, including the chest, elbows, buttocks, knees, and hands. This injectable is the perfect solution for those who haven’t achieved their desired results with anti-aging topical products designed for the body and want to restore natural volume by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production in these various areas.
We can use this injectable to treat skin laxity on the breasts and add natural volume to the area. Those who don’t want to commit to a breast augmentation but want to treat wrinkles or loose skin on the breasts or add natural and subtle volume to the area can benefit from injections with this collagen-stimulating injectable. Before qualifying for treatment, patients must have a clear breast exam.
What Are the Treatment Benefits?
At SANTÉ Aesthetics we’ve been specializing in dermal fillers for over 14 years, and to this day, Sculptra is one of our favorite injectables. Anyone over the age of 30 can benefit from at least one vial of this collagen-stimulating filler each year to reverse and prevent the signs of aging on the face and the body.
Most dermal fillers are made of a synthetic substance that is injected below the skin’s surface to plump the skin. The body then metabolizes the substance over time, and the face or body resumes its pre-injection state. This injectable provides a natural way to treat volume loss by targeting the source: collagen loss.
Crepey skin is thin, weak, wrinkled skin that results from skin laxity. While it can also result from sun damage, collagen-stimulating filler injections can address this sign of aging to strengthen the underlying structure and restore volume to the area.
What Happens During the Treatment?
Before your treatment, we will prepare your skin by cleaning the injection sites and then make a series of small and quick injections with this collagen stimulator into your area of concern. You can treat one or more areas during your appointment to address your face, body, or both. While you may see an initial plumping beneath your skin, you won’t see immediate dramatic results post-treatment like with most hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. This is because the injectable substance that contains the active ingredient does give a temporary filling appearance, but your body will absorb the product within the next few days. You’ll need to follow the recommended treatment schedule that we create to help you reach your goals, and within weeks of undergoing your treatment, you’ll see improvements as your body creates new collagen in your treatment area.
After your treatment, you’ll need to avoid excess sun exposure to protect your skin, and you may be asked to perform manual massage on the injection sites. Massaging your treatment area five minutes five times every day for a total of five days can help promote results.
Most patients don’t notice visible improvements in their treatment areas until four to six weeks post-treatment. You may see results sooner or later, but you can rest assured that once you are injected with this collagen stimulator, your body will respond and grow new, natural collagen in the treatment area to strengthen your skin’s structure and lift and tighten the skin to help resolve your aging and aesthetic concerns.
Who Is a Candidate?
Men and women who have begun noticing volume loss in their faces or on different areas of the body and want to promote natural collagen growth are good candidates for this dermal filler. Those with realistic expectations about the treatment process, the results, and maintaining results are the best candidates. If you’re interested in this collagen stimulator, we can meet with you for an initial consultation to discuss the details of the treatment and ensure that you are not allergic to the active ingredient before scheduling your injection appointment.
If you can’t undergo treatment with hyaluronic-acid-based fillers or you’re looking for an alternative dermal filler that addresses and treats the signs of aging at the source, you’re going to love this collagen stimulator. We’ll evaluate your desired treatment areas in person and give you more details about this product, the treatment process, and what kind of results you can expect based on the areas you choose to treat so that you can increase skin volume the natural way.
Click the button below to schedule an appointment online. You can also call us at (971) 407-3066 and our front desk will happily book your appointment with our fantastic staff.
We are conveniently located in the Northwest District of Portland in the Historic 210 Building. Convenient to Lake Oswego, Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro, Milwaukee, and Vancouver, Washington.