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v. (971) 407-3066 | f. (971) 407-3067


210 NW 17th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209

Business Hours:

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am 6pm
Friday 10am 6pm
Saturday 10am 6pm
Sunday 10am 4pm


Monthly Medspa Specials at SANTÉ in Portland, Oregon

Home / Monthly Medspa Specials at SANTÉ in Portland, Oregon

‘Three for Me’

September is all about skin resurfacing for clear, bright skin. How do you get there? Enter our September Special: ‘Three for Me’

‘Three for Me’ focuses on THREE things: REDUCING Red/Vasculatures, REDUCING Brown spots + IMPROVING the overall texture of your skin. This exclusive offer includes a 30-minute Aquafirme XS medial-grade facial. This facial preps your skin for the lasers (to come afterwards) and delivers plant-based exosomes deep into your skin leaving it more nourished. We follow by IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to reduce spots and improve overall texture.

Are you ready for full face resurfacing?

  •  $999 (SAVE $450)

Call to book:
(971) 407-3066

Sometimes, calling is the fastest and easiest way to book. We’re open daily at 11am until 6pm, PST.

Gift Certificates

All the gifting, minus the guessing!