Social Media


v. (971) 407-3066 | f. (971) 407-3067


210 NW 17th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209

Business Hours:

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am 6pm
Friday 10am 6pm
Saturday 10am 6pm
Sunday 10am 4pm

Yelp Review

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Let us and the world know how we did. We love patient feedback!

Facebook Review

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Let us and the world know how we did. We love patient feedback!

Let us know how we’re doing?

We are constantly looking for ways to improve The SANTÉ Experience for our valued patients –
and we would love to hear your honest feedback on what we’re doing well, and areas we can work on to improve.

Thank you,
All of us @ Team SANTÉ

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