For months, memes have circulated around the internet with people showing off their Quarantine 15 or the growing roots in their hair as they had to shelter at home, only venturing out for essential services.
Now that Oregon is trying to get back to normal, our world is still anything but normal.
At Santé Aesthetics and Wellness, under the guidance of Marcea Wiggins, ND, our team is answering the call with increased sanitization protocols that not only meet but exceed, guidelines.
Our goal is that you feel safe and comfortable booking for an appointment and know that our staff are being well taken care of so that we can continue to provide you with our excellent aesthetic and wellness services.
Here’s a look at what you can expect when you come to see us.
Air misting/fogging
In an effort to keep SANTE as safe for our patrons and staff alike, we researched many things including the sanitizing product that we use to prepare tissue before a procedure, hypochlorous acid (HOCI). We found that misting and fogging each room with this product was one of the best steps we could take. Hypochlorous acid is being used in dental/medical practices around the world as a safe (non-toxic) and effective way to neutralize and disinfect. In 2016, researches at the University of Washington School of Public Health discovered that HOCl was more than 99.999 percent effective in eliminating coronavirus OC43, which is similar to COVID‐19. HOCl is FDA‐cleared for washing fish and seafood, fruits and vegetables and sanitation of food prep surfaces without rinsing. HOCl is an intrinsically safe, non‐irritant and in fact, is so safe to inhale that it is being evaluated as a treatment for throat and lung infections.
With hypochlorous acid, we target the cell wall of the virus, rendering it inactive or destroying it completely. HOCI is able to accomplish this in less than a minute and destroys 99.9% of the harmful pathogens it comes into contact with.
UV Light/HEPA filtered air
Another way we’re tackling the virus is by using FDA cleared ultraviolet (UV) light air filtration systems. As the air makes its way through our filtration system, we use a shortwave UV light to inactivate airborne pathogens, such as those associated with COVID-19. This purified air is then pumped back out into our offices.
Protecting one another
Aside from sanitizing our surfaces and instruments and purifying our air, we also use medical-grade personal protective equipment (PPE) to further reduce any chances of transmission.
Each of our staff has adequate PPE, and we ask that patients also use appropriate face coverings when they enter our practice.
When you make an appointment, we may ask you a few extra questions about your health and also screen you when you arrive. Through temperature checks and symptom reporting, our goal is to redirect those who may have symptoms or are at higher risk of exposure, to just move their appointment to an appropriate time in the near future.
Maintaining distance
In order to avoid crowded waiting areas, our lobby is effectively closed and we space our appointments out so you interact with as few people as possible. We’re also ensuring that you have plenty of space to keep your distance from one another according to local, state, and federal guidelines.
Touchless system
We have removed as many touch points as possible from telehealth pre-screens to opening all your doors for you, once in the treatment room you wash your hands, use a sanitizing mouthwash, replace your mask and be seated for treatment. Upon completion, we escort you out opening all doors for you, then you call from your car to complete the transaction, or deposit cash in an envelope before you go.
If you have any more questions about your safety in coming to see us or you’d like to schedule an appointment, please contact our Portland, Oregon, office. We look forward to seeing you and resuming our top-notch care of your aesthetic and wellness needs.
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